Thursday, January 22, 2009

Natural Teethers

Here's a naturally delicious way to soothe your baby's teething crave ...
. Give baby sturdy fruits and vegetables to hold and suck on, like carrots, bell-peppers and apples.
Keep a close eye on your child to make sure a piece does not accidentally break off and cause a choking hazard.
My kids prefer fruits and vegetables to plastic teething toys. Plus, sucking on food rather than commercial teethers may stimulate taste-buds and help your child be more adventurous with food in the future.
Other suggestions:
1. Ashton & Parsons infants' powder, 'For Teething with a Smile." Wow! Does this stuff work and it is totally natural. The draw-back? It is difficult to find ... I bought mine in the London Heathrow airport ... here is a website that says they're in stock:
2. This is a great contraption built off of the al'natural idea. Plus, it eliminates the choking hazard and you can freeze the food - so your little ones gums will be even more relieved!

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