Friday, October 3, 2008

You’ve Got Questions? She’s Got Answers.

Bethany carries her Ju-Ju-Be Be Spicy™ diaper bag with confidence for a reason – she knows her needs, and this bag fits them.

After 4 ½ years as a marketing manager for a mid-tier Tech firms, Bethany approaches each baby product purchase like a business transaction. First, she makes a list of the top three things she needs any given product to accomplish. Next she researches product reviews and asks other moms questions. Then she tries the product out at the store and gets advice from knowledgeable sales associates. Finally she compares prices and makes a decision.
“It’s not as consuming as it sounds,” Bethany says. Planning ahead for purchases makes product research a less daunting task. “I know in the next few months Sophie will transition to a forward facing car-seat. So, I’ve been asking other parents why they have the car-seats they do, reading on-line reviews and checking out the different car-seats in stores.”

The result? Bethany opted for the Britax Roundabout™ over the more popular Marathon™. “They charge more for the Marathon because it has a higher weight limit than the Roundabout. However, since my daughter is average size, by the time she outgrows the Roundabout™ we would be getting a booster car-seat anyway. Why pay more for a feature I will never use.”
Bethany says pre-purchase product homework saves time. “Rather than taking a full day or more to figure out what to buy when I need it, I am able to do little bits of research in advance. Then, when the time comes, I am able to buy exactly what I need.”
Confession: I didn’t do my research when I purchased our infant car-seat carrier. Instead, I bought the one a friend had, opting for the pricier, higher weight limit feature. As a result, I lug around an extra few pounds every time I carry Anne in the seat, and the base is so large that it does not fit comfortably behind the front seats… so baby always has to ride in the middle.
“Be practical,” Bethany tells me. “Know exactly what you need, and then get it.”
Bethany’s diaper bag is practical, crumb corners and all. She uses her bag as a purse and says she only carries basics – plus a few extra diapers incase she meets another mom in need. “Know yourself and what you’ll use. If you are going out for a quick errand, you don’t need to pack your diaper bag like you’ll be gone all day.”
Buy stuff you’ll like and use. “Everyone told me to get a backpack diaper-bag,” Bethany says. “But I am not a backpack person, and I knew I wanted a diaper bag that I would feel comfortable using everyday.”
Being honest with yourself when purchasing is key to making the best decision. “I could have found a less expensive crib,” Bethany admits, “but I liked the modern design and versatility of the Stokke.”
Bethany’s marketing background helps her organize and get the most bang for her buck. “I'm used to working on a minimal budget and getting maximum result.” Bethany loves Dr. Seuss, but instead of paying shelling out a lot of cash for his artwork, she bought a couple of books. Then she cut-out and framed the pages for Sophia’s name and other wall art.

Resourceful and creative!
“I never listen to unsolicited advice,” Bethany says. “But I do go to high-end baby stores where the sales associates are more knowledgeable and I ask them a lot of questions.” Finding a store with reputable workers can help you make choices on which products to buy – then you can by those items at a discount store.
Here are some of Bethany’s picks:
Scented baggies for soiled clothes and diapers
Dreft™ baby spray
Pampers™ diapers – generic is a no-go for Sophia
Medela Pump in Style ™
(tip: put a disposable nursing pad inside a reusable pad – your nursing bra won’t take such a beating with all the sticky adhesive from the disposable and you don’t have to wash the reusable pads as frequently)
Ergo Baby™ carrier; designed with a woman’s body in mind and distributes the weight of baby better than other carriers. Plus, you can’t beat the sun-hood.
Phil & Teds ™ stroller (I too am a believer)
Diaper Champ – none of the diaper pales actually ‘work’ (keep the stink in), so get one that does not require special liners. (This is true; I’ve used the Deko, Genie I and II, and Champ – after a day or two they all let out unwanted smell).

1 comment:

Ambyr said...

Nice work Meagan! How fun to read about our friends in this format. Good for you.